Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DAY 3 – 11 JULY: WCG/CHICAGO 2012 Friendship Concert and Competition Concert

We had a fantastic day today, beginning with a solid rehearsal in preparation for our two concerts.

The Friendship Concert took place outside the Proctor & Gamble headquarters. P&G in Cincinnati is like Coca-Cola in Atlanta--this is the city that P&G built. There were hundreds of people assembled to hear several choirs, including choirs from the Czech Republic, China, and Ohio.  We also ran into the most important man in Cincy....

Friendship Concert 11:30AM
Czech Republic


Warming up in the shade


Mr. Clean, our biggest fan

 After the Friendship concert we headed back to the Duke center for lunch, then to the hotel to rest and prepare for the Competition.  On our way to the gig we ran into Henry Leck, which the adult staff took as a VERY good omen!

 TCC, Paige, and Millie with Henry Leck!

 Pre-Concert Warm-up

 We have been so happy with the fantastic work, attention to detail, and musicianship of our TCC Singers (plus they are great people!), and their hard work really paid off! Their concert went very well--they had fun and they sang with great joy, and they were rewarded with an enthusiastic standing ovation at the conclusion of "Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit"! 

After the concert we ran into former AYS member Reggie Smith, 
who came by to see the Singers after his rehearsal of 
La Traviata with the Cincinnati Opera.

Our bus driver requested a song:
(Bill and some kids had to get off the bus mid-song to pick up our dinner from Subway)
The driver LOVED us!

The post-concert boogiedown in the Singers' lounge

Singer News!
AM Edition

Having fun! I met some different people and played a cup game which I utterly failed at. But t’was fun. Had some communication problems but we managed somewhat.

I met some people that didn’t speak English, but we figured out how to communicate with hand motions. The food is great! Miss you a lot!

It’s really fun. We’re about to perform for judges! I’m scared! I miss being home.

Having a great time! I met some girls from an Indianapolis Choir. We are getting ready to sing for the judges. I hope we place!

Dear Mom and Dad,
Cincinnati is great! There are pig statues everywhere! I am rooming with Audrey, Diya, & Hannah. We have an awesome view and the hotel looks very fancy. So far the fruits/veggies I’ve had are bananas, apples, strawberries, green beans, tomatoes, and lettuce.
Today, I met some Chinese girls and some people from Colombia, South America. They taught us a cool cup game. I will be showing you at home. Yesterday we met some nice Russian girls and we sang them our song in Russian, they sang to us too. I wish I had gotten to swap with them. I also traded with a girl from Hong Kong. Things are awesome!
I really liked the parade. I saw lots of people and here most of the policemen ride on horses!
Miss you lots. Today we will compete. I’m nervous and excited! Hope we place!


Singer News!
Post competition:

It sounded so good I could die. I don’t care if we get gold or not, I just had fun. See you soon!
Love you 

Hey mom dad and bug
I got a really cool hat that says World Choir Games on it and today we sang at the WCG and we sounded really good! Sorry for saying “Bus”. I meant to say BUG.

Love you!

Harmonizing to One Direction? I think yes.
          Palmer <3

I’ve made so many friends. It’s really fun and so is singing. I’ve just been dancing with the peeps. My legs are so tired. I did the stuff I promised, Mom.


  1. Hi Sophia -
    Thanks for the message. So glad you're eating fruits/veggies! It was neat to see the pics with Mr. Clean and P&G - did you know I worked with P&G cosmetics (Cover Girl) in Maryland? You guys sounded great on the bus! You must have sounded superb in your concert. We're proud whether you place or not! Meeting the kids from different countries makes you a creative communicater (how fun to trade!); look forward to cup game. Annaleah and I found some gifts to bring our cousins in Chicago. We miss you and love seeing the photos!
    Love & hugs,
    Momma & Daddy

  2. Hi Henry!
    It looks like you're having so much fun--I love your Mr. Clean pose! And we loved the video of you guys singing on the bus! We love you and miss you. News from Audrey: she went bowling at camp and she has two cavities (ugh)--we took her to Short Pants to cheer her up. The frog says hi--he's been jumping in the pond a lot. And that's all that's going on here! We love you lots and tons. Have fun! Love, Mom, Dad, and Audrey (Bug)

  3. Hey Ben,
    We are glad that it looks like you're having a good time and doing well. Athena is somewhat disappointed, however, that we haven't seen any personal "singer news notes" from you. Are you interested in doing a volleyball camp before school resumes (it fits your schedule, no conflicts)? Much love, Mom & Dad

  4. Kinsey -

    It looks like you are all having a blast! We are so excited for you and your group (and a little jealous too). Hope y'all are having good weather - it's been stormy here. Lost power for over 5 hours the other night. I read that some kids are trading things, if you need to use a little of your $ to buy some pins to trade, that's OK. Lex got to town yesterday and says "Hi!". You will get to see him after you get back. The Kinsey family decided to adopt the little fluffy dog and came by this morning to get her. Memphis didn't seem upset to see her go.

    Hugs! Love you! Mom, Dad & Caitlyn

  5. Glad to hear you are having so much fun

  6. I hope the singing just gets better.

  7. Joey,
    Happy Saturday. It's quiet here. What's happening in Cincy?
    Mom (Dad, Cleo and Grace)
