Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DAY 9 – 17 JULY: Performances at the Hancock Building and Crystal Lake

Today we're gearing up for two performances:

11:30 at the Hancock Building in the garden

7:00pm at First Congregational Church in Crystal Lake!

If you're in town, come out to see us!

12:19am Central Time update:

Former AYS member Sophie Cox joined us for the day! Hooray!!!

Here are a few photos from today. Night night!

Breakfast singing at the Chicago Takeout Diner

On our way to the top of the Hancock Tower

Workshop with Ann Tucker at the Community Church in Crystal Lake

Evening train to Chicago
Deja vu


  1. Dear Soph,

    We'll burn a disc of Ben's pictures for you. I'm sure he'll let you use his camera, too. I hope somebody can get a picture of you two with Teresa! I'll share it with your old kindergarten teacher!

    Dear Ben,
    Looks like everyone is having a grand time! Make the most of your last two days in Chicago. I can hardly wait to see you at the airport at 10 AM on Saturday!

    (Ha ha, I know I'm really going to pick you up at the airport at 10 AM on Thursday - I'm just messing with the staff! I'm sure they appreciate it.)


  2. I had some relatives attend the concert in Crystal Lake and they said that it was great! They really enjoyed it.

  3. Dear Nell:

    I hope the last few days in Chicago have gone well. Mom and Alana are packing up to fly to see you tonight and I am getting close with the cats. Can't wait to see you in a week.



  4. Dear Nell,

    I can't wait to see you! I miss you so much. We are going to have a lot of fun in Chicago! It looks like you have already gone to a lot of the fun(aka boring) sites that mom wanted to go to. I still haven't found your itouch. I have no idea where it went! I can't wait to see you,

  5. Dear Nell,

    Great news!!! I found your itouch. It was under the cushion in the living room. I am really sorry you could not have it on your trip. I will charge it a bring it along with you phone.
    Lots of love,

  6. Hey Ben-

    I'm so glad you got to see Teresa! I'm guessing you guys probably talked about books. Am I right?

    I played the video of your HMS solo on the big screen for Athena (because she really misses you). She did not respond- too busy watching the squirrels. Just be prepared for major dog licks tomorrow!


  7. Hey, Jacy Pippin! Tell Oprah hello from Dad.
